Website creation:
Agence Interactive – 58 avenue Debourg – 69007 LYON- tel. : +33 (0)4 37 37 83 20
Development and maintenance of the online reservation system:
Jean Sébastien Glo – 29, rue des capucins – 14600 HONFLEUR
Hosting :
OVH – 2 rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix – France –

Locaboat Plaisance S.A.S
Société par actions simplifiée au capital de 1.700.352 €.
Registered office : Quai du Port au Bois – 89300 JOIGNY – France
N° RCS: 310 096 664 RCS SENS
Head office : Quai du Port au Bois – BP 150 – 89303 JOIGNY cedex – France
VAT no. : FR58310096664
CEO : YOUNGS – Président
Responsable for the website content : Jérôme Faucheur de Battisti
Tel. : +33 (0)3 86 91 72 72
Locaboat plaisance S.A.S is a member of the “federation des industries nautiques”

Other Locaboat companies
GmbH by German law, capital stock of 250.000 €
Chamber of Commerce: FREIBURG HRB 3044
VAT no.: DE142109981
CEO: Jérôme Faucheur de Battisti
Locaboat Holidays
Rehlingstrasse 17, DE-79100 FREIBURG
Tel. : +49 (0)761 207 37 0
[email protected]
BV by Dutch law, capital stock of 90.756 €
Chamber of commerce: UTRECHT 30101038
VAT no.: NL800043510B01
Locaboat Holidays
Oud-Loosdrechtsedijk 249a
1231 LX Loosdrecht – Nederland
tél. : +31 (0)294 23 77 42
[email protected]

Data protection
In accordance with French law No. 78-17 of 6 January 1978 called “Data Protection”, this site has been declared to the CNIL.
As the user, you are informed, that any optional data you may choose to provide when completing the forms located on the Website will allowi us to respond to your request, are intended for Locaboat Holidays. Your personnal data (address, phone numbers and email adress) can be used for the informational and commercial purposes.
In compliance with the European regulation 2016/679 on Data Protection of 26 April 2016 (GDPR) you have the right to access, rectify, restrict access to and erase your personal data. Furthermore, you have the right at any time to withdraw your consent to the continued holding of your personal data.
For data held by Locaboat, you can exercise any of these rights by writing to the following e-mail address: «[email protected]». We will respond to your request within the period allowed by the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR).

Pursuant to the French code of the intellectual property and more generally of the treaties and international agreements comprising of the relative tendencies to protection of the royalties, the user avoids reproducing for a use other than private but as to sell, distribute, emit, diffuse, adapt, modify, publish, communicate completely or partially in some form as it is, the data, the presentation or the organization of the site without the written prior approval of LOCABOAT.
Any failure with what precedes would constitute a counterfeit (article L335-2 and following code of the intellectual property); the reproduction of the LOCABOAT logo is also prohibited (L.719-2 article of the known as code). The following brands are exclusive property of LOCABOAT:

The entity of the accessible information via this site are provided at current state. LOCABOAT does not give any guarantee, explicit or implicit, and does not assume any comparative responsability to the use of this information; LOCABOAT reserves the right to constantly modify this information in particular by bringing up to date the site.
The user commits himself not transmitting on this site any information which can involve a civil responsibility or penal and for this reason commits itself not revealing illegal, contrary with the law or defamatory information via this site.
LOCABOAT declines any responsibility as for the use and with the contents of the external sites having a hypertext link with this site.

Photo credit
l’ile aux pies (© Véronique Gonzalez – CDT35), Pont Réan (© Emilie Agniel – CDT35), Messac (© CDT35), Chagny (© Agence événementielle Chagny), Castelsarrasin (© ADT82), Trèbes (© itinerrances), Beaucaire et Saint Gilles (© Gard Tourisme), Auxonne (Côte-d’Or Tourisme © R. KREBEL), Santenay (Côte-d’Or Tourisme © M. BAUDOIN), Verdun (©Cécile Thouvenin Quinet / Tourisme Grand Verdun), Sarreguemines (© Sarreguemines tourisme), Decize (© Ville de Decize), Sancerre (© Ad2t du Cher), Paray le Monial (© Tourisme-ParayleMonial), Caux et Sauzens (© Mairie de Caux et Sauzens), Douelle (© Jérôme Morel)